Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
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Monday, April 27, 2015

Antidepressant Suicide Link in the News Again

First, three short summaries with links to the original sources.

COMPLETED SUICIDE: Andrew Farrow, 48-year-old, of Festival Close, Devizes, UK.

"A report from his GP stated he had been on anti-depressants for two weeks before he died as ongoing difficulties with his paralysis had made him feel depressed and hopeless.

"On the day of this death he requested a hospital stay again but it was decided that it was not required at that time and for treatment to continue at home. He was told that his request would be discussed at case review meeting later that day.

"He agreed to a medication review and a second visit later the same day.

"It was on this second visit that Mr Farrow’s body was found on the evening of July 7. When police entered his flat vodka bottles and tablet packets were found."

Swindon Advertiser - 15 April 2015


SUICIDE ATTEMPT: Australian actress, Paula Duncan, 43

"A few days later she began taking antidepressants, and it was during this time Duncan reveals she attempted to take her own life, with daughter Jessica finding her after a suicide attempt."

Daily Mail - 20 April 2015



"Jeff wondered if antidepressants might ease the anxiety he felt over quitting his job. A local psychiatrist recklessly prescribed one after a single, 45 minute session, and, eight days after taking his first pill, Jeff told us he was having suicidal thoughts. Two months later, after two additional antidepressants had been prescribed, Jeff was gone.

"A bright and vibrant young man with a loving family, a close circle of friends, and a passion for sports and politics fell prey to job-related situational anxiety. He was then put over the edge by his body's catastrophic chemical reaction to the introduction of an antidepressant. The enormity and unnecessary nature of our loss is beyond description."

The Journal News - April 23, 2015


When I read stories like this my immediate reaction is one of two things.

1. The medication induced the suicide attempt
2. No efficacy was shown in the medication.

I'm trying desperately hard to come up with a third point because the first two would suggest that these drugs shouldn't be on the market!

Perversely, when stories like this appear we get more calls for better mental health care - when in actual fact, it could be argued that it was the 'care' that put the above in situations where they attempted or completed suicide.

There's really nothing more to add.

For balance, I'll leave the last word to Irish psychiatrist, Patricia Casey.

Bob Fiddaman

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