Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Friday, October 28, 2022

YoungMinds ~ Kudos Where It's Due


Back in 2017, I highlighted how YoungMinds, the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people, had posted a booklet on its website that claimed the following:

It’s rare for a mental illness to occur out of the blue, it usually builds up over time and comes to a point where people need professional help. The causes are wide  ranging and include a  chemical imbalance in the brain.  Medication can help to address chemical imbalances and make someone feel more ‘normal’"

I recently brought this to their attention and, surprisingly, they have addressed it. Not only have YoungMinds removed the content, they have issued an explanation and an apology. For that, I must give them kudos.

Their statement came via Twitter and reads:

This, to me at least, is a very positive move by the charity and, to my knowledge, it's the first time anyone has publicly apologised for once claiming mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance, moreover, medication can address that imbalance.

It's a start and, I believe, kids who use their services or visit their website will be safer for it.

I applaud this approach.

Bob Fiddaman

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Judge Appoints Four Attorneys For Plaintiffs Damaged by Vaccine


Merck, the manufacturers of the HPV vaccine Gardasil decided to guilt trip parents back in 2016 with the following promotional ad.

Fast forward 6 years and a press release provided today by the hugely successful Los Angeles based law firm, Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman.

"A federal judge overseeing the Gardasil MDL (multidistrict litigation) appointed four attorneys to serve on the litigation leadership for plaintiffs who allege the Gardasil HPV vaccine caused them severe side effects."

It's estimated that hundreds of claims will soon be filed in the MDL, none of these injuries were mentioned in the promotional ad above, such as; Autonomic Dysfunction, Premature Ovarian Failure, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

The press release also states: "Merck took steps to mask and downplay these risks; and Merck was also negligent in the way it conducted its clinical trials and post-marketing pharmacovigilance." Furthermore, "Plaintiffs further allege that, in its direct-to-consumer advertising to patients and parents, Merck misrepresented and overemphasized Gardasil's efficacy while concealing Gardasil's serious risks."

To read about some of those risks and who was harmed see the links below.

Vaccine manufacturers and co-conspirators will always be held accountable at some point in history. These Gardasil cases are just the tip of the iceberg. Personally, I hope Merck take a huge hit which will, in turn, upset their shareholders. Remember, Merck's target audience was children.

Litigation is a powerful tool in getting never seen before documents into the public domain, unless, of course, the accused decide to make a settlement. With the evidence stacked against them, I suspect Merck's legal team will try every trick in the book to get these cases overturned...and then, maybe, strike a deal to settle out-of-court.

I, for one, am hoping to see how Merck manipulated the Gardasil clinical trials by spiking the placebo with amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS) and the vaccine’s other additives, which resulted in approximately equal numbers of subjects in the vaccine group and the placebo group suffering adverse reactions thus giving the impression that Gardasil was just as safe as taking a placebo.

More about Gardasil side-effects here.

Bob Fiddaman

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

'Chemical Imbalance' FOIA - "Psychiatry adopted the 'chemical imbalance' term"

It took longer than normal but the MHRA have finally responded to a FOIA I sent to them earlier this year.

The request strove to seek information regarding SSRI patient information leaflets, moreover, the terminology written on them that pertains to a "chemical imbalance".

I asked the MHRA when the marketing authorisation holders (MAH) of five SSRIs changed the labelling and patient information leaflets with regard to any reference referring to a "chemical imbalance" and what was the reason/evidence for this change.

For those that don't know, a systematic umbrella review regarding the serotonin theory of depression was widely publicised in journals and the mainstream media. The review found there is no evidence to support the idea that depression is caused by disturbance of the brain’s serotonin system.

This is something I've known for quite a long time, I even raised this lack of evidence for supporting the 'chemical imbalance' theory in my 2012 book, 'The Evidence, However, Is Clear, The Seroxat Scandal'.

After the review, authored by Joanna Moncrieff, Ruth E. Cooper, Tom Stockmann, Simone Amendola, Michael P. Hengartner & Mark A. Horowitz, hit the mainstream news, many psychiatrists took to social media to announce that they've never believed the chemical imbalance was true.

I found this surprising given the blog, 'Demand Chemical Imbalance Redaction' highlights many psychiatrists who still publicly refer to mental illness being caused by a chemical imbalance. Adrienne Nagy, who is the board president of NAMI Athens, Ohio, for example, said in 2020, "What that means is education about mental illness. We're continually trying to educate the public to know that mental illness is an illness like any other illness—it's a biochemical imbalance in the brain. It's no different than diabetes or heart failure."

This wasn't just a throwaway comment from Nagy, this was actually publicised in The Post, an independent, award-winning student-run news publication on Ohio University’s campus.

If Nagy is telling students in a widely read campus publication that mental illness is a biochemical imbalance in the brain, then, to me, that suggests Nagy wants those students to believe that what she is saying is true and factual.

NAMI, by the way, is the acronym for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the USA's largest grassroots mental health organization.

So, back to the FOIA:

I asked the same question for all SSRI patient information leaflets (PILs)

The MHRA response throws up a rather interesting reply with regard to 'the psychiatry scientific literature'. Remember, most psychiatrists claim to have never used the 'chemical imbalance' theory when talking to patients.

Here's the MHRA response in full. You'll note that they are boxing clever here. They seem to be saying the term 'chemical imbalance' is rarely used in PILs but other references to imbalances and low serotonin are. They seem okay with that. They are also saying the terms used are for patients to understand the literature, which they suggest is 'complex'.

I don't know about you but being told I have a chemical imbalance, low serotonin or a disturbance of chemistry in my brain kind of tells me that my brain is broken and thus needs fixing. I think this would apply to anyone confronted with this terminology.

It appears, the MHRA are, indeed, suggesting scientific literature from the field of psychiatry adopted the 'chemical imbalance' term.

We all know who they adopted it from, right?

On the MHRA's summary response, let's take a closer look at what the PILs say:

1/ Cipramil "is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) and belongs to a group of medicines known as antidepressants. These medicines help to correct certain chemical imbalances in the brain that are causing the symptoms of your illness"

2/ Escitalopram: "These medicines act on the serotonin-system in the brain by increasing the serotonin level. Disturbances in the serotonin system are considered an important factor in the development of depression and related diseases."

3/ Fluoxetine: "Everyone has a substance called serotonin in their brain. People who are depressed or have obsessive-compulsive disorder or bulimia nervosa have lower levels of serotonin than others. It is not fully understood how Fluoxetine and other SSRIs work but they may help by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain."

4/ Paroxetine: "Everyone has a substance called serotonin in their brain. People who are depressed or anxious have lower levels of serotonin than others. It is not fully understood how Paroxetine and other SSRIs work but they may help by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain."

5/ Sertraline: No mention of how and why they work but a strong warning of what they may cause.
"If you experience agitation, confusion, diarrhoea, high temperature and blood pressure, excessive sweating and rapid heartbeat. These are symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome."

Source - The electronic medicines compendium (emc) 

Bob Fiddaman

Monday, October 03, 2022

Remember, Never Forget How You Were Treated


On October 1st, A Twitter user, Freedom World, posted three videos that highlighted the pushback from A & B-list celebrities during the COVID experimental jab campaign.

I feel, for prosperity reasons, these three videos should be archived across the world.

Today, I'll start by archiving them on my blog. I hope others do too.

To my knowledge, none of these people were ever 'fact-checked'. None of these people have ever retracted their statements, and none of these people have ever apologised.

Bob Fiddaman

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