In 2009 an FDA advisory committee voted to recommend approval of the vaccine Gardasil for males ages 9 to 26 to prevent genital warts.
So, it must be safe then because the FDA granted it a licence, right?
Well, there's been much debate regarding the safety of HPV vaccines over the years. Those that have questioned the safety have often been labelled 'anti-vaxxers'. This is standard protocol for drug companies who often fund pro-vaccine movements who viciously target vaccine safety advocates.
Not many people know that Gardasil has been approved for boys, most think the vaccine was for girls.
On recommending its approval in 2009, the FDA said, "No serious side effects were seen."
Gardasil allegedly protects boys against the HPV infections that can cause cancers of the anus, penis, and mouth/throat, at least that's the way it was driven to market in various television ads.
One such person who saw these marketing ads was Jennifer Otto whose son, Zach, was just 16 at the time.
She relied on the information in the ads and various online print. She was convinced by the vaccine-maker, Merck, that all was above board.
Zach received his first shot of Gardasil in 2012 and his second some two years later in 2014, shortly after which he started experiencing body pains, headaches, cold-like symptoms, unexplained rashes, joint pains, ear pain, and enhanced lymph nodes in his neck.
In 2015, he received his third Gardasil shot and things went rapidly downhill. Here's a snapshot of the conditions Zach, now a wheelchair bound 24-year-old, is having to deal with:
Fiber Neuropathy (SNF), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), mast cell activation syndrome, autoimmune disease, and fibromyalgia
- Merck allegedly presented misleading data to the FDA suggesting that human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and some abnormal cervical tissue—cervical interepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions inexorably result in cancer
Moreover, vaccine-makers have been given indemnity regarding any Covid-19 vaccines that come to market.
Fortunately, for Zach Otto at least, Merck were not afforded that indemnity when they launched Gardasil on an unsuspecting public.
You can read more about Zach's plight on the Baum Hedlund website here.
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