Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Friday, July 19, 2019

Debunk & Disorderly - G to L

Continuing on from my previous two posts.

All the following are 'mental health disorders', or are claimed to be mental health disorders by the Task Force of the DSM 5.


generalized anxiety disorder - severe, ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities

gambling disorder - a persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior leading to clinically significant impairment or distress

gender identity disorder (gender dysphoria) - an individual exhibits marked and persistent identification with the opposite sex and persistent discomfort (dysphoria) with his or her own sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex


hoarding disorder - a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them

HD (2)
hypersomnolence disorder - characterized by recurrent episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged nighttime sleep

histrionic personality disorder - defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval

HPD (2)
hair-pulling disorder - a mental disorder classified under Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders and involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull hair from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, and other areas of the body

hallucinogen persisting perception disorder - a disorder in which a person has flashbacks of visual hallucinations or distortions experienced during a previous hallucinogenic drug experience


internet addiction disorder -  also known as problematic internet use or pathological internet ..... A subcategory of IAD, Internet gaming disorder is listed in DSM-5 as a condition that requires more research in order to be considered as a full disorder

impulse-control disorder NOS - individuals who fall under Impulse-Control Disorder NOS do not meet any of the criteria for the above disorders or any of the other impulse control disorders in the DSM-IV-TR. (eg. substance abuse, paraphilias). Some common impulse-control disorders in this category include impulsive sexual behaviors, pathological skin picking, self-mutilation, and compulsive shopping. Those with sexual impulses often are promiscuous, show compulsive masturbation, show a compulsive use phone sex lines and/or pornography, and often show pornography dependence

intermittent explosive disorder - a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger and violence, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand

insomnia disorder - a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep

internet gaming disorder - most common in male adolescents 12 to 20 years of age. According to studies it is thought that Internet Gaming Disorder is more prevalent in Asian countries than in North America and Europe. Internet Gaming Disorder is a “Condition for Further Study” in the DSM-5 (APA 2013).  This means that it is not an "official" disorder in the DSM, but one on which the American Psychiatric Association request additional research.

inhalant use disorder -  a problem that can develop when people deliberately breathe in the fumes of various substances


language disorder - an individual's expressive language may be severely impaired, while his receptive language is hardly impaired at all. More specifically, according to the DSM-5, deficits in comprehension or production can include the following: Reduced vocabulary (word knowledge and use)

To be continued...

Bob Fiddaman

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