Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Debunk & Disorderly - M to P

The widening of the net continues. Previous posts at the foot of this post.


major depressive disorder - a mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities

major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder -  uncommon disorder that primarily affect the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain — the areas generally associated with personality, behavior and language

male hypoactive sexual desire disorder - considered a sexual dysfunction and is characterized as a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity

major neurocognitive disorder - a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with independence and daily life

major neurocognitive disorder with lewy bodies - the second most common type of degenerative dementia following Alzheimer's disease (AD). DLB is clinically and pathologically related to Parkinson's disease (PD) and PD dementia, and the three disorders can be viewed as existing on a spectrum of Lewy body disease.

major neurocognitive disorder due to parkinson’s disease

major vascular neurocognitive disorder - Vascular neurocognitive disorder is a common form of dementia. It is diagnosed in between 15-30% of all people who are diagnosed with dementia. Other names for this disorder include vascular dementia, vascular cognitive impairment and multi-infarct dementia


night eating syndrome - a condition that combines overeating at night with sleep problems

nightmare disorder - also known as dream anxiety disorder, is a sleep disorder characterized by frequent nightmares

neurodevelopmental disorders -  a group of disorders in which the development of the central nervous system is disturbed. This can include developmental brain dysfunction, which can manifest as neuropsychiatric problems or impaired motor function, learning, language or non-verbal communication

narcissistic personality disorder -  a personality disorder with a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy


obsessive-compulsive disorder - a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder - despite having similar names and symptoms, OCD and OCPD are distinct forms of mental illness that have unique and specific characteristics. The main difference is that OCD is designated in the DSM within its own category called Obsessive-Compulsive and related disorders, while OCPD is considered a personality disorder.

oppositional defiant disorder - a type of behavior disorder. It is mostly diagnosed in childhood. Children with ODD are uncooperative, defiant, and hostile toward peers, parents, teachers, and other authority figures

opioid use disorder - patients presenting with an opioid use disorder may appear acutely intoxicated, in opioid withdrawal, or show no acute effects related to their opioid use


persisting amnestic disorder - the amnestic disorders are a group of disorders that involve loss of memories previously established, loss of the ability to create new memories or loss of the ability to learn new information

pediatric bipolar disorder - one of the more contentious issues in children’s mental health involves pediatric bipolar disorder (BD).  We now know that when BD presents in children, it tends to be a severe form of the illness.  But children who have been diagnosed with pediatric bipolar disorder (BD) may, in fact, have different illnesses requiring different treatments.

persistent complex bereavement disorder - a disorder for those who are significantly and functionally impaired by prolonged grief symptoms for at least one month after six months of bereavement

phobic disorder - intense, persistent, and recurrent fears of certain objects (such as snakes, spiders, or blood) or situations (like heights, speaking in front of a group, and public places). These things may trigger a panic attack. Social phobia and agoraphobia are examples of phobic disorders

PD (2)
pica disorder - an eating disorder that involves eating items that are not typically thought of as food and that do not contain significant nutritional value, such as hair, dirt, and paint chips

persistent depressive disorder - a low mood occurring for at least two years, along with at least two other symptoms of depression.

PDD (2)
pervasive developmental disorder - a group of disorders characterized by delays in the development of socialization and communication skills. Parents may note symptoms as early as infancy, although the typical age of onset is before 3 years of age.

PDD (3)
premenstrual dysphoric disorder - a health problem that is similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) but is more serious. PMDD causes severe irritability, depression, or anxiety in the week or two before your period starts

paranoid personality disorder -  one of a group of conditions called "Cluster A" personality disorders which involve odd or eccentric ways of thinking. People with PPD also suffer from paranoia, an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious

post-traumatic embitterment disorder - a pathological reaction to drastic life events and has the tendency not to stop. The trigger is an extraordinary although common negative life event as for example divorce, dismissal, personal insult or vilification

post-traumatic stress disorder - a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event

phencyclidine use disorder - this disorder is given to people who are experiencing problems as a result of using a group of substances called phencyclidines, or substances which are pharmacologically similar to them, such as ketamine

To be continued...

Bob Fiddaman


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