Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Dear Cesar, My Dog Has ADHD

Cesar Millan is one of my heroes.

Cesar, more commonly known as the Dog Whisperer, rose to fame by being the guy who could walk into a situation with an unruly dog and, sometimes within minutes, could return the dog to a 'normal' mind state.

No drugs were ever used.

I was saddened when I learned that Cesar had been battling with his own troubles. In a 2012 interview he openly discussed his own suicide attempt, this coming after a divorce and the death of his long-time doggy companion, 'Daddy'.

It also transpired during the interview that his inattention to his business had left him without a cent.

That's quite a chain of events to deal with, divorce, death and debt all rolled into one.

It was Millan's two sons that discovered his suicide attempt, he had swallowed a number of pills. They called paramedics and he was saved. He was hospitalized and when he woke he was surrounded by patients who were also fans of his. This from Cesar...

"That gave me — a sense of belonging," he said. "I got a sense of purpose. I like to have a purpose in life."

Amen my little Mexican hero.

Cesar Milan is living proof that we don't need psychiatrists. If this little Mexican guy can use techniques to turn aggressive and over-playful dogs into calm and submissive creatures then it begs the question why anyone would ever use powerful psychiatric drugs on children.

Cesar often points out that it's the owners who need training and not the dogs, could the same be said here with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD?

If one man can walk into a room or yard and take control of a dog with hyperactivity issues [without the use of drugs] then why are we sending children to see psychiatrists...moreover, why are psychiatrists using medications on children who are hyper active?

Now, I'm not suggesting that we treat children like dogs. The comparisons I'm drawing here are pretty simple. If an aggressive pit bull can be calmed or an excited puppy can be shown how not to pee on the floor [we use antidepressants on kids who wet the beds you know] then why are we not treating children with similar techniques used by Millan?

It's unknown if Milan was taking antidepressants during his depression, overdosing on pills would suggest he was - it's apparent that, if he was using antidepressants, they obviously didn't help him, it could even be suggested that they induced his suicidal behaviour.

Cesar Milan has a very calming nature, he's the modern day Dr Doolittle. I, personally, am glad he survived his suicide attempt. The world is a richer place for his insight into the minds of our canine friends. The field of psychiatry could learn a lot from him.

Here's the interview.

For Benn.

Bob Fiddaman

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