Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Glaxo: Made In England

Sing to the tune of 'Made In England' by Elton John (Video at foot of post)

I suggest you click play on video then read the lyrics. If you feel brave enough then sing-a-long :-)

"Made In England"

Lyrics by Bob Fiddaman

They was made in England out of SmithKline and Beecham
They've had a quit-me Frenchman, and a 'love-me' Witty
They've got lots of money and that pack of Paxil
Oh that sweet numbing drug and the KOL's to pay.

Oh, they was made in England
Oh, they was made in England

They was made in England out of SmithKline and Beecham
Sold shares in a market citing we are like no other
Saying 'transparent' for stocks and shares
Oh that sweet numbing drug and the KOL's to pay

Oh, they was made in England
Oh, they was made in England

They was made in England from a fierce Diablo
But some Yankee lawyers had a way about them
Glaxo denied all problems, and showed their middle finger
Found guilty of fraud with a 3 billion dollar fine.

Oh, they was made in England
Oh, they was made in England

If you're made in England, you're built to last
You can still say 'Glaxo' and everybody laughs
But the joke's on them, they never read the song
There's no secrets that time does not reveal.

Oh, they was made in England
Oh, they was made in England

Merry Christmas to Glaxo, their lawyers, and their Key Opinion Leaders!

Bob Fiddaman

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