Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Saturday, July 14, 2018

GSK Management in a Tizz Over Fiddaman Blog

Following on from Parts I & II (Links below)

It always amazes me how corporate entities spring into action when news of alleged violations go public. None more so than GlaxoSmithKline who, it appears, have been keeping tabs of the Indian whistleblower allegations published on my blog.

Here's an email they sent to Navneet Kumar after he raised issues about the working violations of senior officials at GSK India.

After reading the email (below) you'll see a link to a British newspaper article from the Evening Standard that also highlights Navneet's allegations.

Navneet approached me shortly after Truthman published a series of emails on his blog, GSK Licence To Kill. Shortly after publishing the emails, Truthman took a sabbatical and took down his blog.

 Here's an email GSK to Kumar shortly after I published Part II:

"I am GSK’s Vice President for Compliance for Emerging Markets.  I understand that you have recently been in touch with Bob Fiddaman, author of a weblog that has recently posted several allegations against GSK that he attributed to you.  Please note that GSK takes all allegations of misconduct seriously, including those raised in Mr. Fiddaman’s weblog.  Pursuant to GSK’s Code of Conduct and Speak Up culture and procedures, we encourage everyone to raise concerns about potential unethical or illicit conduct.  During your employment, including in connection with the disciplinary proceedings that preceded your dismissal from the company last year, GSK’s policies and culture require the company to have provided you with opportunities to raise concerns relating to GSK’s business practices, including concerns with the conduct of any employees.  If you have documents, electronic data, or other evidence that you believe would be relevant in order for the company to conduct a thorough review of the allegations made in Mr. Fiddaman’s weblog or any other concerns that you may have, GSK would appreciate you providing such evidence to us.

"If you would like to speak with someone in the company about this or any other concerns that you believe have not been addressed, we would be happy to make a member of the company’s Corporate Investigations or Compliance Team available to speak to you."



Kumar met with a GSK official after the above email was sent to him. I'll be publishing the outcome of that meeting soon.

Bob Fiddaman

Back Stories

India: GSK Whistleblower Names and Shames - Part I

India: GSK Whistleblower Names and Shames - Part II

London Evening Standard - Glaxo faces lawsuit as salesman claims he was bullied for whistleblowing

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