Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Glaxo spokeswoman Mary Anne Rhyne

Now and again there are sheer moments of comedy that leave one doubled up and in a complete state of apoplexy. I have just had such a moment when reading a comment from Glaxo spokeswoman Mary Anne Rhyne. It hit me smack in the face, the preverbal 'meeting with a steam train head on'. It is a moment of pure genius from Glaxo's spin Princess - it defies any sense of logic and never has the phrase 'pot, kettle & black been more appropriate.

It comes from yet another report on the
Glenmullen story - I have to admit I'd not seen this quote before, it's better than Benbow's 'Patients have nothing to fear taking Seroxat'... Yes, it's that good, that contradictory.

You ready for it?

Now, I must first warn you to put down any cups with hot beverages inside. Chew whatever is in your mouth and swallow and sit down comfortably.

Here is her take on Glenmullen's report:

"Glenmullen has carefully selected excerpts from GSK documents and made his own interpretations, without looking at the totality of the data." (1)

You stopped laughing yet?

Now, forgive me if I am wrong... I don't think I am but didn't GlaxoSmithKline's so-called opinion leaders do exactly the fucking same? You know those chaps... oh and one woman, I would have called her a lady but... well I guess you know my feelings toward people who take vast amounts of money that is basically blood money.

So Princess Rhyne of GlaxoSmithKline (Hey that rhymes) - what exactly did these people do when you... or your company, presented them with summarisations of the Paxil data?

Dr Andrew Leon
Dr Charles Nemeroff
Dr David Dunner
Dr David Shaffer
Dr Fredrick Goodwin
Dr John Mann,
Dr John March
Dr John Rush
Dr Martin Keller
Dr Neal Ryan
Dr Mark Olfsen
Dr Robert Gibbons
Dr Graham Emslie
Dr Karen Wagner

Let's just go over the statement to the press again shall we?

"Glenmullen has carefully selected excerpts from GSK documents and made his own interpretations, without looking at the totality of the data." (1)

You lot are just laughable. We've recently had Garnier slagging off scientists and the media because basically they don't agree with him and now Princess Rhyne of GlaxoSmithKline tells us all that the one man who blew the lid on her beloved company didn't look at the totality of the data!

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