Sheryl: 2 months prior to her death.
Reflections On An Obsession... Part I - The Eulogy
Sheryl Tilbrook was a quite extraordinary person, a human being who stood out amongst other people.... Until she went to her trusted medical advisor and got a prescription for an ssri...and died.
Over the coming weeks, months, however long it takes, I shall be highlighting the case of Sheryl Tilbrook, beloved daughter of Stuart and Claudette Jones, sister of Nadine, Richard, Kathryn, Nicola, Stuart & John, aunty of Katie, Martin, Gethin, Nathan, Adam, Aaron, Luke, Kelly, Cristyn, Cariad-Sher & Sophie.
I have previously covered the story of Sheryl [1], though at the time, Stuart, her father, wished for names to be redacted. He, along with his wife, Claudette, now feels the time is right to go public with this.
On 18th May 2001 Sheryl went to her GP because she was having a down day and was lacking in energy. Her GP prescribed Sheryl the SSRi antidepressant, 28 x Cipramil tablets and 7 x Zopliclone.
On the 20th May she was admitted to the intensive care unit.
On the 24th May when all hope had gone, her mother and brother turned her life support machine off.
On the 2nd June, 2001, Sheryl's parents and four generations of family members and friends gathered together to say goodbye to her. She had a guard of honour from 8 members of the London Fire Brigade in full dress uniform.
Sheryl had taken an overdose of the Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitor [SSRi] Cipramil.
I would like to highlight the eulogy written by Claudette, Sheryl's mother, I feel this is important as it brings home the stark reality of it all.
No parent should have to bury their child, particularly when that child put their trust in the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
Stuart and Claudette Jones want justice to prevail. They want their questions answered.
I hope the platform I am about to give them eases their pain and creates an awareness that brings about answers.
[1] Reflections on an Obsession
Eulogy by Claudette Jones
Wife, Daughter,Sister, Aunty and Friend, if I only said this it would be a lot but Sher was and is much more than this to everybody who knew her, she was a confidant and champion to all those she loved and cared for.
From a very young age she showed what she was made of, if you had Sher on your side you knew she'd make short work of any problem, because she was fiercely loyal and loved with great passion.
Her nieces and nephews knew when aunty Shershi said she would do something then come what may, it would be done.
They loved each other dearly and liked nothing more than to spend time together especially if this meant a sleep over, 'cause that would mean being thoroughly spoilt, she never begrudged anything and was always there when they needed her.
To her brothers and sisters she was more than their baby sister she was their best friend and had with each and every one of them a very special bond that could never be broken by anything including her death. Their love for each other and that bond will stay forever no matter what.
As a daughter we couldn't have hoped for better, she was bright, lively, intelligent with a tremendous sense of fun, even when she was so ill 10 years ago and on the life support machine she never lost her humour.
Her favourite nurse Margaret got renamed 'rat bag'. On one occasion Sheryl even absconded (wheel chair,oxygen tank, everything went) and Sher with the aid of her brothers just nipped down to the 'Deer's' Leap for a lunchtime drink and a whacky fag, unfortunately her 'Rat Bag' Aunty Margaret just happened to be passing and caught them all out. I think it was the first and last time that a patient from the ITU had not only gone walk-about but gotten away with it as well.
As a wife there was no better, loving, loyal, supportive.. she had no equal. She was so proud of Ron when he became a full time fireman and it's fair to say that part of Sheryl was in the fire service with him.
I've tried to give you all a sence of Sheryl and what made her tick, I hope I've achieved that but I would say to you all don't feel sorry for us, we are the lucky ones, we're proud to have known, loved and cared for our Sher for the years we were able, yes we'll grieve and won't ever stop missing her, but we'll carry her in our hearts forever and know that when we need her she'll be there and one day we'll be together again.
Baby you are the best.
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