Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Friday, November 08, 2013

Email to CEO of the MHRA, Ian Hudson

I've just flicked the following email to the new MHRA Chief, Ian Hudson.

Any reply will also be made public.

Dear Mr Hudson,

As I understand you are now Chief Executive of the MHRA. I'd congratulate you but we both know that I'd be lying with those congratulations given your past links to GlaxoSmithKline and Seroxat.

That aside, I have to remain professional.

My question to you is one of great concern and one that I shall be making public on my blog

Are you, or do the MHRA plan to reevaluate the current recommendations that pediatrics should not be prescribed SSRi's?

I ask as it has come to light that MHRA consultant, Stephen J W Evans, has recently co-authored a study where he and the other authors call for a re-evaluation of the current prescription of SSRIs in young people - Back story here.

This email, along with your answer, if you are brave enough to answer that is, will be published on my blog.

Best wishes

Bob Fiddaman.

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