Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

GSK Vs Ronnie Biggs

Two criminals, both British - lets look at their respective rap sheets.

Ronnie Biggs

9 Feb
Biggs’ first court appearance at Lambeth Juvenile Court at the age of 15. The charge is stealing a pen refill and eraser of 1/2d value from a shop display.

8 June
Second appearance at Lambeth Juvenile Court for stealing four radio valves and an eggcup. Bound over for 12 months and find £1. Discharged

16 Nov
Third appearance at Lambeth Juvenile Court for stealing his brother’s watch. Bound over for a further 12 months and fined £1.

17 Feb
First prison sentence – sentenced to six months for shop breaking, housebreaking, stealing and using a false ID card. Dishonourable discharge from the RAF.

28 July
Sentenced to three months in Wormwood Scrubs at the North London Magistrates Court for ‘taking and driving away a motor vehicle’.

30 Nov
Sentenced to Borstal training after being found guilty at Essex Quarter Sessions for shop breaking and stealing.

21 Mar
On trial at the Old Bailey for the first time for robbery of jewellery and money, and being armed with an offensive weapon. Sentenced to three years and six months.

24 Mar - Found guilty at Country of London Sessions for garage breaking and stealing a motorcar.
30 Mar - Found guilty at Buckinghamshire Quarter Sessions for house breaking and stealing a bottle of sherry valued at 18 shillings.
Concurrent sentences of three years from Country of London Sessions and four years from Buckinghamshire Quarter Sessions.

1 April
Sentenced to 12 months at Dorset Quarter Sessions for ‘taking and driving away a motor vehicle’.

25 April
18 months added to sentence by Surrey Appeals under probation order for stealing paint and a bike in 1956.

16 April
Biggs sentenced to concurrent sentences of 30 years and 25 years for his part in the Great Train Robbery.


September 18
SMITHKLINE AND ROHM & HAAS TO CLEAN UP TOXIC SITE - both agreed to reimburse the United States for past cleanup costs absorbed by the E.P.A. totaling $250,000 - No prison sentence

February 10
Drug Makers Settle Suit on Price Fixing
Fifteen big drug companies formally agreed yesterday to pay more than $408 million to settle a class action lawsuit charging them with conspiring to illegally fix prices that they charged to thousands of independent pharmacies.

In the settlement, which is subject to approval by a Federal district judge in Chicago, the 15 companies agreed to pay more than $388 million in cash. One of the defendants, SmithKline Beecham P.L.C. of London, agreed to supply the plaintiffs with a generic version of cimetidine, SmithKline's Tagamet brand ulcer treatment, valued at $20 million, as well as $30 million in cash. -  - No prison sentence

September 7
SmithKline Beecham in Settlement With U.S.
In the latest big settlement by a clinical laboratory company of Federal Medicare fraud charges, SmithKline Beecham P.L.C. expects to pay the Government about $300 million this year, without admitting any wrongdoing. - No prison sentence

February 8
5 Drug Makers Use Material With Possible Mad Cow Link
For the last eight years, the Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly asked pharmaceutical companies not to use materials from cattle raised in countries where there is a risk of mad cow disease. All five vaccine makers, which include GlaxoSmithKline, Aventis and American Home Products, have now agreed to stop using the suspect materials, which include blood, fetal calf serum and meat broth. - No prison sentence

June 8
Jury Awards $6.4 Million In Killings Tied to Drug
A Wyoming jury has awarded $6.4 million to the family of a man who killed three relatives and himself after taking the antidepressant Paxil, an antidepressant made by SmithKline - No prison sentence.

January 24
Asthma Drug Health Risks Are Suspected
GlaxoSmithKline said yesterday that Serevent, one of its popular asthma drugs, might pose a risk of death and serious asthma-related illness in some patients. -  No prison sentence

February 7
GlaxoSmithKline, the drug maker, agreed to pay $175 million to settle a lawsuit contending that it blocked cheaper generic forms of its Relafen arthritis medicine, in violation of antitrust laws in the United States. -  No prison sentence

July 9
GlaxoSmithKline, the drug maker, has agreed to pay $92 million to settle lawsuits accusing it of misusing patents to thwart generic competition to the antibiotic Augmentin  - No prison sentence

September 20
Glaxo Settles U.S. Fraud Charges
GlaxoSmithKline PLC will pay $150 million to settle claims it overcharged the government for two anti-nausea drugs, and prosecutors say they're looking into 150 cases of drug price fraud. - No prison sentence

August 11
Glaxo reaches $70 million settlement over price-fixing claims

Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline announced yesterday that it had agreed to pay $70 million (£36.9 million) to settle a number of civil lawsuits filed in the US which accused the company of pricefixing. - No prison sentence

September 12,
GlaxoSmithKline to Settle Tax Dispute With U.S.

GlaxoSmithKline, Europe's biggest drug maker, said Monday that it would pay $3.1 billion to settle a tax dispute with the United States government that was set to go to trial next year.  - No prison sentence

March 27
Schoolgirls bust Glaxo for lying about Ribena vitamin C 

Two fourteen-year-old students busted Glaxo for lying about the Vitamin C content of the Ribena drink. Glaxo fined  NZ$217,500.  - No prison sentence

Musical interlude. The charges featured in this video resulted in no prison sentences

July 2
Global health care giant GlaxoSmithKline LLC (GSK) agreed to plead guilty and to pay $3 billion to resolve its criminal and civil liability arising from the company’s unlawful promotion of certain prescription drugs, its failure to report certain safety data, and its civil liability for alleged false price reporting practices.  - No prison sentence

Sept 14
In the strongest signal yet, a Chinese court on Friday imposed a fine of nearly $500 million on the British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline for bribery. Chinese authorities accused Glaxo of bribing hospitals and doctors, channeling illicit kickbacks through travel agencies and pharmaceutical industry associations — a scheme that brought the company higher drug prices and illegal revenue of more than $150 million. In a rare move, authorities also prosecuted the foreign-born executive who ran Glaxo’s Chinese unit. After a one-day trial held in secrecy, the court sentenced Glaxo’s British former country manager, Mark Reilly, and four other company managers to potential prison terms of up to four years. The sentences were suspended

Sept 16
Global drug giant GSK 'published a flawed study which led to millions of children being wrongly prescribed dangerous antidepressants'
A global drugs giant published a flawed study which led to millions of children being prescribed potentially dangerous pills, new research reveals. GlaxoSmithKline misled doctors and the public into thinking their antidepressants were safe and effective, even though there was no evidence to back this up. - No prison sentence

British criminals, GlaxoSmithKline are currently partners with Global charity, 'Save the Children'.

Total Prison sentences (in years) handed out to Ronnie Biggs = 86 years 9 months
Total Prison sentences (in years) handed out to GlaxoSmithKline employees = 4 years (Suspended)

Bob Fiddaman

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