Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paxil/Seroxat. The Gout Connection.

Image: Wikipedia

I've often wondered what can bring on gout, more so as I have witnessed it first hand and have had to alter my eating and drinking habits as a result.

I've been researching these past few days - remedies for gout, causes of gout.

I've asked around my circle of friends, doctor's, psychiatrists, fellow advocates.

What if long term use of an SSRi could actually have a side-effect such as gout. What if this particular side-effect was not included on the patient information leaflet that accompanies these SSRi type pills?

Let's go on a journey with regard to Paxil [UK brand name Seroxat] and gout.

If you use Google and put in the search phrase, "Can paroxetine cause gout?" The result is instant.

Can paroxetine cause Gout?

A question that is being studied constantly and at this stage it is generally known that this drug can be very dangerous for sufferers of Gout especially if they are on any drug or herb to combat or maintain Gout.

...Can paroxetine cause gout? It can certainly affect a sufferer's chances of having a gout attack or severely affecting the function ofthe Liver and kidneys which in turn can have detrimental effects on a Gout attack.

Paroxetine Side Effects Report #5617393-X

Consumer or non-health professional from UNITED STATES reported PAROXETINE problem on Aug 09, 2007. Male patient, 55 years of age, was diagnosed with depression and was treated with PAROXETINE. After drug was administered, patient experienced the following problems/side effects: gout, . PAROXETINE dosage: 20MG PER DAY. During the same period patient was treated with ALLOPURINOL. Patient recovered.

Summary Paxil CR

PAXIL CR GlaxoSmithKline
Paroxetine HCI

Metabolic and Nutritional:

Frequent: Weight gain, weight loss.

Infrequent: Edema, hyperglycemia, peripheral edema, thirst.

Rare: Alkaline phosphatase increased, bilirubinemia, dehydration, gout, hypercholesteremia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, obesity, AST (SGOT) increased, ALT (SGPT) increased.

So, it would appear that indeed gout has been reported as a side-effect to taking Glaxo's Seroxat. Okay, not many but nonetheless it HAS been reported.

Even the MHRA's website shows gout as a possible side-effect.

Their Drug Analysis Print for paroxetine shows 5 reported cases of gout as a possible side-effect.

Hardly enough to stop the Seroxat conveyor belt at GlaxoSmithKline but yet another side-effect that is not included on the patient information leaflet.

Maybe Glaxo don't feel that gout is serious enough to warrant inclusion on their Seroxat patient information leaflets.

So, it's pretty much proven that Seroxat can cause gout... or at least it's been reported that it can. I can't help but think of all those who have developed gout whilst on Seroxat have not reported it

So what about those of us who do not take Seroxat any longer?

What if long term use of Seroxat could cause problems in later years, despite us stopping the drug?

Not even Glaxo can admit to knowing the answer to that folks - they haven't done any long term study.

I'd love to be able to have access to records that Glaxo have kept away from the public. I hope the disclosure they have provided UK solicitors for the up and coming UK Seroxat Group Action will open many doors - I hope that those doors won't be sealed.

If long term use of Seroxat has caused my frequent bouts of gout then I'd like to know one way or the other because I don't intend in swallowing toxic pills for the rest of my life!

Nothing quite says "I've got explosive diarrhoea" like sitting on the toilet with your shirt around your nipples.

I'd ask for some input from the MHRA on this issue but I don't want to waste my time waiting weeks for the obligatory, "The question whether paroxetine can cause gout is not as straight forward as it may seem..." type of answer.




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