Charles Medawar from Social Audit raised some intriguing questions to the MHRA regarding the statements of Alistair Breckenridge on BBC TV's Panorama. Basically the statements Breckenridge made were in support of prescribing Seroxat to adult patients. There is an edited performance of his performance on Panorama here. Pay particular attention around the 3.25 mark where he looks completely dumbfounded at the interviewer's suggestion. His stuttering response suggests to me that he is lying. The video lasts just over 8 minutes and you will have to stomach statements from Breckenridge saying that these drugs (Seroxat) DO NOT cause suicide in adults, also many questions he answers with 'This is a matter that is currently under investigation' I also have to warn you that GSK's spin doctor, Alistair Benbow also appears on the video refuting claims that Seroxat causes suicide in adults.
Read Charles Medawar's letter to the MHRA HERE and the MHRA's somewhat limp-wristed response HERE
Remember, Alistair Breckenridge is a former employee of Glaxosmithkline
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