Zantac Lawsuit

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

SSRIs and their Complications down under

1. SSRIs: Forensic Issues. Risk Benefit Analysis and Potential for Litigation In Australia. Duty to warn? (Powerpoint) Presented at RANZCP Forensic Section Conference October 2003 Geelong

2. Do SSRIs cause Suicide (2004) (Powerpoint).

3. Four seminal papers on SSRIs and their complications.
Ronald Wm. Maris, PH.D. - Suicide and Neuropsychiatric Adverse Effects of SSRI Medications: Methodological Issues. Daubert : Competent Science on SSRI - Suicide (2002).
David Healy, MD; Chris Whitaker, MSc - Antidepressants and suicide: risk-benefit conumdrums (2003).
Peter R. Breggin - Suicidality, violence and mania caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A review and analysis (2004).
The Work of David Healy has informed all these papers.

4. SSRIs: Do they cause suicide? The Science: Daubert Admissible evidence. Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, May 19, 2004. In Press. Also Interantional conference of medical law, Sydney

5. SSRIs and their effects on Mental Health Presentations: A plausible hypothesis. (PowerPoint) Presented at RANZCP Forensic Section Conference October 2004, Fremantle.

6. New Drugs New Problems (PowerPoint) presented Section of Forensic psychiatry, April 9 2005.

7. New Drugs New Problems: Medico-political expose of the suicide crisis in Mental Health, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences.

8. The Ethics of the Solitary Empiricist: How PhaRMAs changed common human unhappiness into a deficit disease. Blackheath Philosophy Forum May 9 2005. Do Second Generation Antidepressants Cause Suicide? A Daubert Hearing. Health, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. May 19. 2004.

9. Effects of Second Generation Antidepressants and Antipsychotics on Mental Health Services in Australia Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 40th Conference, Convention Centre, Sydney 22 to 27 May. 2005.

10. Akathisia and Crime: Product Liability issues. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 40th conference, Convention Centre, Sydney 22 to 27 May. 2005.

11. The role of genetics and cytochromes in drug response.

Links to other SSRI related websites


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