Zantac Lawsuit

Researching drug company and regulatory malfeasance for over 16 years
Humanist, humorist

Friday, June 03, 2011

Mounting Fears Over Adverse Drug Reactions

When Sky News run with a headline like this, one has to sit up and take notice.

I hope the MHRA have televisions in their offices.

Gamal Fahnbulleh, Sky News reporter, writes:

Scientists have written to the Prime Minister and Health Secretary Andrew Lansley expressing their concern about drug failures and adverse drug reactions.

More than 10,000 people die every year from bad reactions to prescribed treatments and scientists are calling for a fresh approach.

The experts believe adverse drug reaction has reach "epidemic proportions" amid rising costs in prescriptions.

Drug testing on animals before they are used on humans is being partly blamed.

Nice quote from the MHRA is also included in the article:

A spokesman from the regulatory body Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said: "The use of non-animal testing has been extended wherever possible and the MHRA will continue to encourage this approach.

"It is very important to recognise that at present there are no laboratory methods available to totally replace animal testing of medicines."

It doesn't take Albert Einstein to work out that patients taking these drugs are actually in the fourth phase of the clinical trial. We are basically lab rats folks - one only has to pick up a telephone and ask the likes of GSK what the results were for people who had been on Seroxat for 5 years plus. They don't know, they never studied long term use - it's patients that take Glaxo's drug that are part of that long term study - this, after it has already been granted a licence by the MHRA, the same body of people who profess to safeguard human health! Incidently, the head of licensing at the MHRA is Ian Hudson, he is the former World Safety Officer at SmithKline Beecham [Now GSK] - Smell a lab rat, anyone?

Anyway, I get bored writing about the MHRA, pointless having a regulator who can't/won't regulate.

Benefits outweigh risks? Yeh, right they do!



Read the new book, The Evidence, However, Is Clear...The Seroxat Scandal


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